Hummingbird At The Pane

My heart sighed,
the exhale combined
with the incoming uplifting
screened spring breeze;

despite the birdsong,
my eyes welled up,
as I began to walk into
Sadness’s alluring stream…

But my nature friends
and forces always seem
to intervene!

To my pane came
a hummingbird who hovered
until I forgot
all of my soul’s woes

and again felt
Hope’s flutter
and the feeling
of not being
in this world

Despite it all,
life is truly beautiful
as long as there is
this Presence I feel
so connected to.

Cut me open. I don’t think
I will bleed.
I am sure
will rise
out of me

and to the moon,
my essence return,
merging light
to warmly glow
in a belonging

Beyond The Window

Looking out my bedroom window
a long while, late on a spring day,
opposite weather inside of me,
a seductive swirling veil of gray, 

to choose which to follow,
if either non-path at all, 
takes the breaking of the trance
when both come so subtly to call.

I didn’t wait for the new day;
I chose the remainder at hand,
clipped the leash to the too-excited dog,
laced my sneakers and simply began. 

I let a trickle of hope in
on the way to the pond
to stir the stagnant layer
hovering weightless
but still clouding
my heart.

Perhaps I could find 
beauty or love or both
in my always-open lens 
that filters and feeds
light to soul. 

I did. For it is always there. 
Mother Nature never folds 
her extended arms;
She unconditionally heals,

I knew a new day
would soon come
and all would 
feel better again, 

but the thing about
choice and action is
that Momentum 
can also be a dear

I did not wait for New Day.
I drank the sunset medicine instead. 
It brought me soft romance
and a happy non-end. 

Poem and images ©LauraDenise

Some Days

Full moon
still hides
parts of itself
from view.

don’t always feel
like opening
up to bloom.

Not all
can be
cheerful tunes.

Stars may not
get to every
wish they accrue.

Some days
the water
vapor is unable
to make itself

of the heart
insist a sunny poet
take a respite
in the shade,

but earth shifts
and turns
and always brings
another new day.

Poem and images ©LauraDenise

Amidst and Between

Amidst the thorns,
beneath the wounds,
we can take turns
bringing self-love
to bloom,

we’ll smooth
the edges
so raw and jagged,
each lend the silk
of virgin petals

birthed in kisses
and gentle touches,
countering the poisons 
of previous “gardeners”
with ill-intentions,
fencing us from 

We’ll remain
faithful companions,
take turns in the cycle
of taking and giving,

in sun and shadow,
through every internal
season and weathered vane.

We’ll simply heal
and learn
what love is,
the right way

until we both
blossom white,
centers exposed
to feel 
the cleansing 

Love will 
beget love
which will 
beget love
to spread.

It begins
with us.
It begins 

Poem and images ©LauraDenise

Feel Me

Close your eyes,
and I will, too;
feel me there,
this touch brushing 
slowly over you,
soft as an exhaled breath
on flesh…
fingertips, lips, 
smoothly caress, 
the gentlest 
hair trickling 
across chest,
whispers float
into your ear,
melliferous voice
delivering the elixir 
to each fear, 
sweet everythings
that reach
with flowing, warming heat
every last heart-ailment 
to heal.


Into yours, 
my fingers weave;
hands clasp
So easy
it is 
to love,
to release
all inhibitions:
free fall
into me. 

Poem and image ©LauraDenise! I forgot all about him! Been belting this out in the car lately, on repeat…

Umbrellaless On Purpose

Moments drip
drop, first
to fall,
and when
the basin
is filled,
our time
is up.

Let me taste
each one
upon my

May I spend
the least
in flood
or drought,
or drowned.

Let me feel
it all
to offer an umbrella
or call me inside
is to deny me
each elixir dose
to my soul’s life.

with others,
even fleeting
in passing,
make up
the ocean
of emotion
that fills and
propels me
most deeply.

When the last sun sets,
I know I cannot take
any drops with
even though they became a part
of my very composition,
but heaven is in the clouds
for a reason,
and I believe from these
drops within,
another birthing
will begin… 

Poem and images ©LauraDenise

Two Blades

we reach for the light
we reach for the warmth
of the dawning sun
of any other 

when the shadows come
when the ice forms
each part beautiful 
naturally born

we reach 
in hope
we reach 
in need
we gravitate
we discreetly lean 

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trying not to show
the desperation 
the fear
of becoming 
too far frozen

we reach 
to feel
the thaw
to reset
in another season 

are you the one
to love

Poem and images by Laura Denise


My heart and soul
tire me out,
always frolicking
away and about,

relentless in their
prodding and searching,
no toe-dips,
just all-in swan-diving

into every unknown,
exploring, testing, challenging
the boundaries
of this world,

restless to breach
every deterrence
placed by societal rules
and norms…

So much fear
in potential soulmates
with whom to travel
these magical non-roads.

Poem and image ©LauraDenise