Single Lady Beetle

One single ladybug
upon the petals pink. 

Enough to thrill me,
unwrap my childhood glee,
take me back to
pure and natural naïvety; 

my hair wrapped up
atop my head messily, 
but I feel it fall
into playful pigtails
and hear my childhood
call, giggling. 

I am such a nature freak,
perhaps geek.
Probably both. 

But it’s been seven years
since I’ve seen one of these,
after having moved to the South.

What a special surprise!
What could I find
to read in the sign?… 

Poem and images ©LauraDenise

Ocean Timeless


Ocean, timeless.

All stages

and walks

of life

equally embraced,


the soul

to seek

and find…

No two



but the sea


so many

similar dreams,

secret pleas


its waves filled

with such murmurs…

Some search

for shells,

some for treasures,

some look

for those bottles

with rolled up


some come

to visit

the spirit of another,

some fill a bucket,

others a locket,

sandy pockets,

camera rolls,

but the greatest


only in the heart

can one hold:

they are the weights

of the mind and body


into the endless blue,

not to simply dump

but with the belief

that the ebb will send for

the solace

saltless solutions

to heal

all wounds,

the magic

of mermaids

to rekindle

dreams from youth…

Ocean, timeless,

welcomes you;

roll up your pants

or submerge yourself

into the

fountain of youth.


Photos of my daughter and my aunt. ❤

Wildflower Fairy

I caught her today,

captured her existence,

the legendary Wildflower Fairy

paying my very own yard

a visit!

Her golden-backed silhouette 

under sun’s guardianship

came forth;

chattered excitement

among the birds broke up 

the morning chorus,

as she bent and whispered

something indiscernible 

to the seedlings,

her dew-kissed face

and green-veined gown

revealing her as the Queen,

so I found myself

bowing like the blades and leaves,

for sometimes awe and magic

come disguised as


to grace us with a moment of 


And during all of this,

I realized,

there was such peace

in me.

These Trails


Despite what the markers say,

these trails have no end,

for we only reside in a portion of the middle

of the Maker’s creation.


This tease of greater things

is meant to last us,

sustain us,

with enough awe

to make all believers,


our time so short yet long

enough to discover

what this part of the journey is for:

to revel

in the natural wonders

and each other,


for every day

the beauty surrounds us.

We are cloaked and dripping

with blessings

and the potential of



This mountain trail has no end,

the silence on the way up

prepares me for the summit’s message

prepared especially for me.


I proceed leisurely

but attune

to the psalms whispered

between the trees.


These trails have no end

for when the footpath stops,

I will carry on,

carrying these moments

in my heart


until I return



Sapience From a Shell


Time and time again, children who are caught with their “heads in the clouds” have been reprimanded by adults to snap out of it, focus, pay attention. Snap out of imagination, out of possibilities, out of ingenuity, focus on reality, pay attention to the lecture, don’t talk, don’t think, bury your ideas and dreams. At what point did this mindset become accepted? At what point did clouds acquire such a bad connotation?

As an adult, I regularly risk my life for clouds. When I go for walks in my sidewalk-less neighborhood, I am always looking up, oblivious to my surroundings. When I am driving, I must remind myself not to be a distracted driver: keep your eyes on the road, not the sky. The sky entrances me, and I’ve never really understood why it doesn’t have that same effect on everybody else. When I come out of the grocery store and see the grand, glorious mountain-cloud bursting with light and colors so heavenly that I wonder if it’s the Second Coming, my soul gasps like Flint Lockwood when it first rains burgers, and I don’t understand why no one else in the parking lot is taking pictures, or even looking for that matter.

If this is me around town, you can only imagine the places I go while standing still before the ocean. I am much more than a dreamer with “childish” fantasies though.  I think I came out of womb a philosopher, but along the way, I have acquired life experience and lessons, hardships, gratitude, spirituality, and a master’s degree. When I observe nature, I still admire its surface beauty, still wonder, still imagine, still escape, but now I see the beauty as a gift and natural healer from a divine being, I wonder about the meaning of life and what my gifts are, I imagine endless ways I and others could make meaningful difference in this world, and I escape because I know that I simply must exercise my soul to stay healthy, to be my best me, to live to my fullest potential.

When I observe nature, I see the metaphorical parallels to our human existence, to the personal daily grind and the bigger, collective picture. All of my philosophies about life seem to stem from a stem, a cloud, a shell, a bird. The greatest wisdom I have acquired comes from nature, for it is out here on my patio, out along the shores, out among the trees, that everything within me becomes tranquil, and I lose myself, find myself, restore myself, reinvent myself. Nature is full of messages for us; it is the ultimate teacher, free and accessible (for now, anyway). All you have to do is show up and be still, be silent. If you never pick up the conch shell to put it to your ear, you cannot hear its whispers, and it is that sapience from the shell that remains within us, during and long after that lecture.
