Confetti Rain


Butterflies and dragonflies

floating here and there,

dancing and flittering,

coloring the air.


Playfully, carelessly,

trying to get my attention,

whispering-wings bringing

evanescent messages.


Each a thread of a

tapestry unwoven,

colorful auras,

kaleidoscope explosion.


Sprinkles of ideas,

elusive images,

cannot be caught,



Droplets of paint

falling on the canvas,

embryos of thoughts

spawning stanzas.


No use resisting,

my mind wants to play;

I escape out the window

and fly away


to indulge

my imagination:

time to create.


The words fall

onto the page

like confetti rain.


Poem and image ©LauraDenise

4 thoughts on “Confetti Rain

    1. Thank you! My poetic imagination was pleading with me to play at the time, but I was trapped in required boring work for the paying job.

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