Wing Seeds


little ball

of light

with wings


I give to thee


keep it close

clasped in

your hands

take a peek

its glow

is grand


keep it close

in your pocket

or maybe in

a locket

use it like

an antibiotic


when you

feel scared

or weak

or sick

or impaired

know that

it is there


it will know

you need it

in that moment

close your eyes

and feel it



use its power

to empower you

and shield  you

let it out

if you have to


you are super now

you have the power

to overpower

your opponent

which is only you


you are glowing within

from the little orb with wings

that is what self-confidence

and self-esteem brings


you can keep it

as long as you need

but I already see

you growing

your own wings


Poem and image ©LauraDenise

7 thoughts on “Wing Seeds

      1. I always find that myself, what we the writer thinks, and what the reader likes are two completely different things, and now I never worry about it, and I’ve come to enjoy all the different interpretations of my words.

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